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Adult Christian Education

Sunday_School1At Westminster, we have Sunday School at 10:00am each Sunday*. We offer a variety of classes for all ages and stages. This fall, our adult classes include the following:

Fellowship Class - A Study of Daniel

This fall we begin a study of the book of Daniel. Highlights include God’s sovereign rule over the kingdoms of the world—then and now; Daniel’s testimony of how God’s people can not only live but also thrive and serve in a culture of ungodliness; and a detailed prophetic foreview—from Malachi through the 400 silent years—culminating in the coming of Christ. Young and old are welcome as we study this amazing book in God’s Word, filled with contemporary significance. Taught by Jim Parker.

Adult Elective - Genesis

Many of us read the book of Genesis for answers to questions like “Did God create the world in six literal 24-hour days?” “How long ago did the creation take place?” “How does Genesis square with evolution?” However, we will find in this class that if we study the Scriptures deeply, there are key insights we’ve never seen from the familiar Genesis stories. These insights lead us to see God, famous biblical characters, the gospel, and even ourselves in ways that draw us to Him and make us more like Him. This class is taught by Ryan Bailey and is open to all.

Adult Elective - The Theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith

This class takes a slow and practical look at the teaching of the greatest confessional summary of Reformed theology ever written. The Westminster Confession of Faith is the doctrinal standard of our church and denomination; it features regularly in our worship services; and, most importantly, it summarizes what confessional Presbyterians mean when we say, “We believe the Bible!” This class is taught by Pastor Carlton Wynne and is open to all. 

Women’s Class 

This semester we will be going through the book Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges. This class will be facilitated by Linley Wynne and taught by a variety of women. This class is open to women of all ages.

College & College Age Class

The college Sunday School class will explore and discuss important themes in 1 Corinthians. We will focus on how to approach the whole of life through the lens of the gospel. This class will be led by interns Didier and Deo and ruling elder Duane Gingrich.

International Class

This class is designed for second-language students as well as those with little Bible background. The class is led by Joel Mercer.

God’s Masterpieces @ WPC

This class is for youth and adults with developmental challenges. The goal of the class is to provide an environment for the spiritual and social growth of the students and to support the families of the students. This class is taught by Harry Waldrop and Leslie Crawford.

Discovering Westminster

This class will introduce you to our theology and church government and will encourage and challenge you to worship Jesus! We will discuss baptism, the Lord’s Supper, fellowship, and more. While this class is open to all, it is required for those who wish to join the church. It is taught by Pastors Aaron Messner and Rush Hill.


* We take a break from Sunday School during a portion of the summer and on some holidays.