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College & Career Ministry


The college and career ministry at Westminster Presbyterian Church serves university campuses local to Atlanta, in order that students might grow in grace and knowledge of the Scriptures all while in genuine fellowship with the body of Christ. We offer a weekly Sunday school class, Sunday lunches hosted by members of Westminster, as well as service projects, discipleship, and partnership with Reformed University Fellowship ministries.

Please contact Rush Hill (r.hill@wmpca.org) or Didier Ndeko (d.ndeko@wmpca.org) for more information.

Sunday School

The college Sunday School class will cover the meaning and contemporary significance of the book of Judges. We look forward to seeing you there! The class is taught by Didier Ndeko.

Young Professionals Study & Fellowship

The Early Career Ministry holds twice-monthly meetings at Westminster on the first and third Thursdays at 7:00pm. For more information, contact Deo Bwanika (b.deo@wmpca.org).

College and Career Fellowship Events

C&C4editedThe pastors, elders, and members of Westminster host regular fellowship events including lunches, dinners, and game nights for college students and young professionals of our church, with plans for the formation of Bible and book studies as well. If you’re interested in getting involved—either hosting or attending—please contact Didier.


Didier & Rush meet regularly with students on respective campuses for visitation, prayer, discipleship, and fellowship. Please contact them to schedule lunch or coffee!

Partnership with RUF

Westminster supports and partners with the local collegiate ministry RUF, serving college students throughout Atlanta.