Friday February 11, 2022 — All Services Now Mask-Optional
The Session of WPC has determined that going forward all WPC worship services (including the 8:45 am) will be mask optional. As we make this change, we ask that all WPC members prayerfully consider the following:
- This change in policy is not intended to discourage anyone from wearing a mask. Anyone who feels more comfortable wearing a mask is encouraged to continue doing so in any service or activity of WPC.
- We recognize that brothers and sisters in Christ have different health related practices and concerns fueled by a variety of reasons and considerations. Unanimity in these areas is not likely or perhaps even possible. Therefore we must all endeavor to have our own practices, our speech about differing practices, and our interactions with others be marked by humility and love for our brothers and sisters. Let us press on in the ongoing endeavor to love one another, to labor for mutual understanding (if not always agreement) and to prayerfully pursue the peace and purity of the Church in the Spirit of Christ.
- Please pray for the ongoing safety and protection of our congregation, as well as our unity and mutual affection in Christ. The past two years have been exceedingly challenging and have tested our congregation at various points. I do not believe that testing is over, and the need for spiritual unity in the bond of Christ is as great as ever. We look forward to what the Lord has in store for our congregation and ask that he will bless us and keep us in his grace in the days to come.
- If you have any questions or concerns with any element of church policy, the pastors and elders of the church are open to engage with you. We welcome your feedback and dialogue as brothers and sisters in Christ and as partners in the gospel.
In Christ,
Aaron Messner
Moderator of the WPC Session