Men's Retreat at Camp Westminster

November 15, 2024 to November 16, 2024
All Day
Category: Ministry EventWe invite you to our 2024 Men’s Retreat, a time of fellowship and spiritual encouragement, held at Camp Westminster in Conyers, GA, November 15-16. Our special speaker, Clif Daniell, Pastor of Cherokee PCA, will deliver talks on Friday night and Saturday morning. Arrive by 6pm on Friday for dinner and stay overnight. We will enjoy breakfast Saturday morning, and the retreat will conclude by 11:30am on Saturday.
Pastor Daniell hails from middle Georgia and holds degrees from Georgia Southern University, Reformed Theological Seminary Atlanta, and Westminster Theological Seminary. Pastor Daniell, along with his wife Melody, has one son and three daughters.
Attendance is free, but a $60 contribution is appreciated. Donate via check on Sunday (note “Men’s Retreat”) or through Breeze, selecting “Other – Non-tax deductible” with “Men’s Retreat” in comments. We’ll stay at Morningside Cabins (8 cabins, sleeps 13 each, bathhouse nearby). Bring pillow, twin bed linens, soap, shampoo, towel, earplugs.
Registration deadline is November 1.
Sign up using the Google form here.