We believe that the spiritual vitality of men is crucial to the spiritual health of families and the church. We want the men of Westminster to be Christ-like men; spiritual leaders in their families; godly husbands, fathers, sons, and friends; committed to Christ, his Church, and the work of His Kingdom; committed to excellence and godliness in their vocations; and salt and light in their communities.
Quarterly Breakfasts and Retreats
We hold quarterly men’s breakfasts, and periodically throughout the year we will also hold special events and retreats for men. The purpose of these events is to provide special opportunities for men to enjoy a concentrated time of fellowship and/or teaching. Be on the lookout for announcements about these events.
2024 Men's Retreat: November 15-16. For more information, contact mensministry@wmpca.org or go to our Signups page.
For a number of years, Westminster Presbyterian has fielded a men’s softball team during the summer, with a season that runs from mid-May through the end of August. This is a wonderful tool for fellowship and connection and has been instrumental in developing strong bonds between older and younger men in our congregation. The games are played once per week, generally on a weeknight. All are welcome to join, regardless of skill level. For more information on the team, contact softball@wmpca.org.
Annual Golf Tournament
Our men's ministry hosts an annual golf tournament for all men at Westminster, novices and regular golfers alike. It's another great opportunity for men to connect and share fellowship! This year's tournament is October 12. For more information, contact mensministry@wmpca.org or go to our Signups page.
Men’s Discipleship Groups
We have a number of men’s discipleship groups, with the goal of providing a means to support each other in our walk of faith. Also, we are seeking to grow our men’s discipleship groups! If you are interested in participating or in leading a group, please contact mensministry@wmpca.org.