Rev. Aaron Messner - Senior Pastor
Rev. Aaron Messner was born in Texas, lived in Utah as a child, and from elementary school on lived in Phoenix, Arizona where he had the privilege of growing up in a devout evangelical Christian family. Aaron professed faith in Christ at a young age and began to sense a call to ministry during his high school years.
He graduated from Wheaton College, Illinois with a degree in Theological studies. While at Wheaton he met his wife Nancy Jo and cultivated a passion for expositional preaching under the ministry of R. Kent Hughes. After graduation from Wheaton and teaching school for a year, Aaron and Nancy returned to Wheaton where they completed Masters degrees together and Aaron served for almost 18 months as the stated pulpit supply for Wheatland Presbyterian Church.
Upon completing their Masters degrees, the Messners moved to Princeton NJ where Aaron completed a Master's of Divinity degree at Princeton Theological Seminary. While at Princeton, Aaron and Nancy began to attend historic Tenth Presbyterian Church in downtown Philadelphia. Aaron served as a seminary intern at Tenth working with their outreach ministry to the homeless and upon graduation was called to serve on the pastoral staff, where he preached extensively in Tenth's evening worship services.
After 5 years on staff at Tenth, Aaron accepted a call to serve as College Chaplain and member of the faculty at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. In January of 2013, Aaron was installed as the new Senior Minister of Westminster Presbyterian and is honored to have the opportunity to lead this historic congregation in the heart of one of the world's great cities.
Aaron and Nancy have five children (Nathan, Micah, Ilsa, Titus and Soren).
Rev. Dr. Carlton Wynne - Associate Pastor
Rev. Dr. Carlton Wynne grew up in Houston, Texas, in a gospel-believing home with a passion for learning and for sports. He attended Princeton University (2002), where he met his lovely wife, Linley, with whom he has three boys. After college, Carlton worked with Reformed University Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, before attending Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte (2010) and returning to his home state to serve as a pastor. Seeking to serve the church through academics, he completed a Ph.D. in systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary (2015) in Philadelphia, where he taught for years before moving to Atlanta in 2020 to join the pastoral staff at Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Carlton preaches often at Westminster's Sunday evening service, teaches Sunday school, and serves as an adjunct faculty member at Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta. His academic interests include trinitarian theology, apologetics, and biblical theology in the tradition of Geerhardus Vos. But he especially enjoys the congregation at Westminster and rejoices in being husband to Linley and father to his sons.
Rev. Rush Hill - Assistant Pastor
Rev. G. Rush Hill was raised in Auburn, Alabama and attended Auburn University. He graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary (Atlanta) in May 2021, and joined the pastoral staff at Westminster Presbyterian Church shortly thereafter. As Assistant Minister, Rev. Hill oversees college and career ministries, preaches regularly, and coordinates various other activities in the ministry of Word and sacrament. Rev. Hill’s interests include historic confessions of the Reformed tradition, the faithful simplicity of the ordinary means of grace, and, of course, Auburn football.
Most importantly, Rev. Hill is a forgiven sinner, saved by the grace of God in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is husband to Ruthie (m. 2013), father to Charlotte (“Charlie,” b. May 2020) and Wells (b. Sept. 2022).