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Privileges of the Christian Life (Fall 2020)

In this Sunday School class, Dr. Carlton Wynne discusses some of the privileges that Christians enjoy.

Week 1:  Knowing God (audio | handout)

Week 2:  The Image of God (audio | handout)

Week 3:  God's Covenant (audio | handout)

Week 4:  God's Providence (audio | handout)

Week 5:  The Bible (audio | handout)

Week 6:  The Sufficiency of the Bible (audio | handout)

Week 7:  Union with Christ, Part 1 (audio | handout)

Week 8:  Union with Christ, Part 2 (audio | handout)

Week 9:  Q&A (audio)

Week 10:  Union with Christ, Part 3 (audio | handout)

Week 11:  Justification, Part 1 (audio | handout)

Week 12:  Justification, Part 2 (audio | handout)