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Sunday School Classes & Wednesday Night Series

Eschatology and Revelation (Fall 2024 to present)
Dr. Carlton Wynne and Rev. Aaron Messner

The Westminster Confession of Faith (Fall 2023 to present)
Dr. Carlton Wynne

Book of the Month (Spring 2023 to present)
Dr. Carlton Wynne

Discovering Westminster (Fall 2023)
Rev. Aaron Messner, Rev. Rush Hill

The History of the Protestant Reformation (Fall 2023)
Rev. Rush Hill

How to Read the Bible, Teach the Bible, and Listen to A Sermon (Spring 2023)
Rev. Aaron Messner

The Five Great Calls (Fall 2022)
Rev. Aaron Messner

Discovering Westminster (Fall 2022)
Rev. Aaron Messner, Dr. Carlton Wynne

The Westminster Confession of Faith (Spring 2022)
Dr. Carlton Wynne

Biblical Fellowship (Fall 2021 to Spring 2022)
Ryan Bailey

The Christian Faith and Contemporary Challenges (Spring 2021)
Rev. Aaron Messner, Dr. Carlton Wynne

Privileges of the Christian Life (Fall 2020)
Dr. Carlton Wynne


Sunday School Miniseries

Covenant Baptism (Summer 2022)
Dr. Carlton Wynne

The Big Picture of the Bible (Summer 2016)
Rev. Aaron Messner

Teaching the Bible (Summer 2015)
Rev. Aaron Messner, Rev. Erik Veerman

The Mission of Westminster and the Ordinary Means of Grace (Summer 2014)
Rev. Aaron Messner, Paul Mulner

How to Study the Bible (Summer 2013)
Rev. Aaron Messner


Conferences & Special Events

An Interview with Bill Curry (May 2023)
David White and Bill Curry

An Interview with Dick Helm (March 2023)
Rev. Aaron Messner and Dick Helm

Lessons From Church History: Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin (October 2021)
Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn

Lunch & Learn: Courage (October 2021)
Emily Van Dixhoorn

2016 Fall Retreat at Camp Westminster (October 2016)
Dr. Hans Madueme

Gospel-Centered Counseling (Fall 2016)
Ryan Bailey

Training Men to Resist Evil in our Pornographic Culture (Spring 2016)
Ryan Bailey


Westminster News & Updates

Joint Class (June 2023)
Rev. Aaron Messner



Creeds and Confessions (November 2023)
Dr. Carlton Wynne

Textual Criticism and the End of Mark's Gospel (August 2018)
Rev. Aaron Messner

Worship Service Elements Explained (various years)
Rev. Aaron Messner