Global Mobilization
There are those who fish, and those who teach others to fish! We are privileged to partner with those who recruit and train or assist others in works around the world to reach people with the Good News! According to the UN Refugee agency, “at the end of 2020 there were 82.4 million forcibly displaced peoples around the world.” This is a people made up of different ethnicities, belief systems, and languages.
Franklin & Beth—Mission To The World
Franklin and Beth are media production specialists who have recently relocated their ministry from the UK to the US. The couple received and accepted an invitation to join the MTW Marketing and Communications (Marcom) video production team in Atlanta. Joining forces with Marcom is a tremendous opportunity for Franklin and Beth to use their vocational skills of video production and graphic design to serve even more of their colleagues and national partners around the world. Working with the creative communications group will help increase MTW’s video production output, which in turn will allow more missionaries to tell their unique harvest field stories, raise awareness and support for church planting efforts in strategic locations, and mobilize more workers for promising mission fields.
Jud and Jan Lamos
Jud, a native of New York, received his B.A. from Houghton College. From there he studied Middle Eastern Politics at SUNY Binghamton. After that he received his M.A. in Political Science from Temple University. He later entered a carpenter/millwright apprentice program, eventually becoming the civil craft supervisor at a nuclear plant construction site. Jan also went to Houghton College for two years, where she met Jud. Jan transferred to Thomas Jefferson University and received her B.S.N. She worked in pediatrics while Jud finished graduate school and established himself in a trade. They were called to full-time missions in 1986 and have served with Mission to the World (MTW) since 1990. Westminster was their sending church. Before joining MTW, they worked with Operation Mobilization (OM). They have served in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America. Jud and Jan have never lost their vision for ministry! After 10 years as the international director for MTW over Muslim ministry, Jud recognized the need for a new missions deployment model utilizing vocational ministry skills. The 18.26 Network was established in 2017. More info at
David & Kathy North—TEAM (Church Planting)
David and Kathy North have been supported missionaries of Westminster since 1985. David grew up in India as the son of missionaries, and Kathy grew up in Indonesia where her parents were missionaries to a primitive tribe. David and Kathy met at Bible College and felt strongly that the Lord was calling them to be church planting missionaries. They have worked for 33 years in the Philippines planting churches in various sized cities. “We look for the least evangelized towns and cities,” David says, “and that’s where we go to start a new church and a new light for that place.”
Recently the Norths were asked by TEAM to take on the work of coordinating the international ministry of church planting for TEAM. David and Kathy travel the world in order to meet with their missionaries in many countries for training, mentoring, coaching and encouragement.